Linux Find Command

ExamplesCreated by @dan_nanni on Instagram

find . -name “my.txt” find all files named “my.txt”

find .-type d-name “mydir” find all directories named “mydir”

find . -type f-name “*.jpg” find all “.jpg” files

find . -type f-size +100M find all files larger than 100MB

find . -type f-size +100M-size -500M find files with a specific size range

find . -type f-mtime-1 find all files modified in last 24 hours

find .-mtime-7-mtime +1 find files modified betn yesterday & a week ago

find . -type f-name “*.tmp” -delete find and remove all “.tmp” files

find . -type f-perm 0777 find all files with “777” permission

find . -type f-perm-u+x find all files executed by the user

find . -type f-name “*.txt” -exec cat {} \; find and cat all “*.txt” files

find . -type f-amin-60 find all files accessed within the last hour

find . -type f-user dan find all files owned by the user “dan”

find .-type f-ctime -2 find files created within last 2 days

find .-maxdepth 1 -name “my.txt” search only in current dir

find . -type f-name “*.txt” | xargs chmod 644 chmod all “.txt” to 644

find . -type f-name “*.jpg” | xargs tar -cf img.tgz archive all “.jpg” files

find . -type f-name “*.png” | xargs -I {} mv {} /tmp move all “.png” files

find . -type f-name “*.txt” | xargs grep “Hello” search for Hello in “.txt”

find .-xtypel-delete find and remove all broken symbolic links

find .-type d-empty-delete find and remove all empty directories

find .-newermt “2024-01-01”! -newermt “2024-03-15” use a time range


  1. 你不讓他佔便宜,就是你自私。
  2. 你不接受他們的價值觀,就是你固執。
  3. 你不肯接受他們的指揮,就是你強勢。
  4. 你一旦站在道理上不肯退讓了,就是你態度問題。
  5. 你差到他們的陰謀時,你太敏感了。
  6. 他們一旦發現你沒有那麼好騙,就是你們不懂事。
  7. 你一旦要勝利了,他們發現了就要輸,你就是世界第一大反派。


別因為一時的成功,而得以忘形 ,隨便發表自己的個人想法,從而導致身邊的人感受不良好,不舒服。這會直接為自己造成重大影響,損害個人形象。我們必須要記住,沒有人喜歡聽另一個人講大道理,特別是這些道理他們不接受,為了自己,讓自己成為一個謙虛的人謙卑的人,就是保護自己最好的方法。 別忘記,當你成功時,同時代表人家失敗。人家為什麼要高興呢? 不喜歡人家過得比自己好,是很多人的內心世界,沒必要讓這些人不高興,以為自己造成傷害。再溝,只不過是一些少許的成就,有必要炫耀嗎?就算要炫耀,都必須要對自己有幫助下,才有意義,傷害自己毫無意義也可言。







nextCloud upgrade hints

Use command line for upgrade nextCloud was bester than using Web Upgrade. Some reason not work with Web upgrade.

Using the command line for upgrading NextCloud is more efficient than using the web upgrade interface. There are several reasons why the command line method is preferable:

Upgrade Duration: Upgrading NextCloud can take several hours, and when using the web upgrade, it’s difficult to gauge whether the process is progressing or if it has encountered issues and halted.

Error Handling: Upgrades can sometimes result in errors that require intervention. When using the command line, it provides more detailed information about any issues encountered, making it easier to take corrective actions. In contrast, the web upgrade may not provide sufficient information to diagnose and fix problems effectively.

PHP Configuration: To upgrade NextCloud, PHP often requires the apc.enable_cli=1 configuration. This configuration may not always be set correctly when using the web upgrade, causing upgrade issues.

In summary, utilizing the command line for NextCloud upgrades offers better control, error visibility, and ensures the necessary PHP configurations are in place for a smoother upgrade process compared to the web upgrade interface.

Make the nextCloud Folder work with same User and same permission

My Web Directory: /var/www/nextcloud
My Apache user: apache2

chown -R apache2: /var/www/nextcloud

nextCloud Upgrade

sudo -u apache2 php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar

sudo -u apache2 php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ upgrade

sudo -u apache2  php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off

The database is missing some indexes

sudo -u apache2  php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices 






Battery Auto Charger Specification Design

An advanced four (seven) stage charging program is written inside the automatic charger. While the battery is fully charged, the service life of the battery can be effectively extended.

Soft start
At the moment when the charger is energized, the power is buffered from small to large, which has a buffering protection effect on the charger when it is started.

Constant current
At this stage, the charger outputs the rated current for fast charging to increase the charging rate. The voltage of the battery gradually increases. At the same time, in order to prevent the battery from being overcharged, the charging voltage of the charger is limited to a safe value range. When the charging voltage rises to the set value, the charging current will begin to decrease slowly. At this time, the charger enters the constant voltage charging stage and continues to replenish the battery.

Constant voltage
At this stage, the charging current of the charger will gradually decrease, which can reduce the heating and vaporization of the battery and effectively avoid premature damage to the battery due to excessive aging. When the battery capacity reaches approximately 90%, the indicator light will briefly turn orange and the charger will enter the top-off phase.

Float charge
At this stage, the charger only outputs a lower voltage and smaller current to charge the battery. In this way, 100% capacity of the battery can be guaranteed at any time, and the battery will not bear unnecessary burdens, so as to prolong the service life of the battery as much as possible. At this time, the indicator light is green, which means that the battery capacity is basically fully charged.

Basic Information

Input Voltage : 100 ~ 240Vac, Min. 90Vac, Max 265Vac

Target Battery Voltage : 12V Lead Acid Battery

Output Current: Max. 6A

Output Power: 72W

Operation temperature : -40°C, +85°C

Automatic function: Auto Start/Stop

Meter: Voltage, Amp Current

Output Protect: Output reverse connection protection


Frequency: 47~63Hz

Efficiency: >85%

Leakage Rate: <3.5mA/240Vac

Surge Current: 12A/230Vac

AC Current: 0.36A/230Vac


Open Circuit Voltage: 13.8Vdc

Max. Output Power: 72W

Max. Output Current: 6A

Recommend Battery capacity: 18~90Ah

Open Circuit power waste: <1.3W

Voltage ripple: ≤50mV

Voltage precision: ≤1%

Battery Leakage current: <30mA

Battery Class: Lead Acid Battery


Output overload protect: The charger will stop its output when the voltage exceeds or reaches ≥14Vdc, with the Red LED indicator turning ON. It will resume operation when the output voltage falls below 14Vdc.

Over current / Short circuit: Limited current

Temperature protect: When the ambient temperature exceeds 30°C, the charger’s rated output power will gradually decrease as the temperature rises. Once it exceeds 60°C, the charger will stop outputting power. When the temperature drops below the cutoff point, the charger will automatically restore normal output.

Cooling method: Nature cool


Start mode: Soft start

Constant current: When the main battery voltage drops below ≤ 12.5Vdc, the charging output pressure is activated for fast charging to increase the charging rate. At this time, the indicator light(L) will illuminate in red

Constant voltage: When the charger’s output voltage reaches 13.9Vdc and remains relatively stable, the charging current gradually decreases. This helps reduce battery heating and vaporization, effectively preventing excessive aging and premature damage to the battery. At this time, the indicator light(L) will illuminate in red

Float charging: When the battery capacity reaches 90%, the charger enters the float charging stage to continue replenishing the battery. At this time, the indicator light (L) will in green.


Operation temperature: -20°C ~ +50°C

Storage temperature: -40°C ~ +85°C

Operating humidity: 20~90%Rh

Storage humidity: 0~95%Rh

Vibration resistance: 10~500Hz 2G 10 minutes/cycle, x/y/z axis 60 minutes

Auto start/stop control

Auto stop charge: When the changing voltage exceeds ≥13.8Vdc, the charging current will continue to gradually decrease. When the charging current drops below 0.6A, the charger will automatically stop outputting power.

Pulse charging: It is a timely replenishment control method for the natural consumption of the battery, which not only keeps the battery in the best working condition at all times. It can also minimize the vaporization of the battery and the sulfide corrosion reaction of the plates,
avoid early damage and aging of the battery, and effectively extend the service life of the battery. At this time, the indicator light (R) lights green intermittently.

Auto activate charging: When the battery voltage is ≤13.2Vdc , the charger will automatically activate and return to the corresponding charging state.


Relay alarm: When the battery voltage is ≤12.5Vdc or when the charger fails to output, the relay contact is closed.

Indicator light alarm: When the output voltage of the charger is ≥14Vdc, the charger stops outputting, and the indicator light (R) is red at this time.

Reverse protection

When the charger’s output terminal is connected reversely, the charger stops output; when the reverse connection is removed, the charger will automatically resume output (when the battery voltage is higher than 5Vdc): If the battery voltage is lower than 5Vdc at this time, you need to protect it first.
When the power supply of the input terminal is confirmed to be normal, disconnect the output terminal and then connect the output terminal, the charger will automatically restore the output.

Q9 註冊 info

Windows 7 Batch Files
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CQ12EaXA /v DXAT2 /t REG_SZ /d "0022446688;85;69%%!%%%%" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CQ12EaXA /v DXAT4 /t REG_SZ /d "0022446688::<?9?#%%'$" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CQ12EaXA /v DXAT1 /t REG_SZ /d "0022446688::986<'$#'" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\q9vsb5r /v skey /t REG_SZ /d "00000000001297875177" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\q9vsb5r /v ukey /t REG_SZ /d "00000000000003713556" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\q9vsb5r /v rkey /t REG_SZ /d "00000000000054827415" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RolAAs /v hdny /t REG_SZ /d "0020002080;21727%%1%%7" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RolAAs /v ohae /t REG_SZ /d "0020002080:083=1#5'6" /f >nul
@REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RolAAs /v hgq /t REG_SZ /d "0020002080:0=422'4#5" /f >nul

業績後才出手 先贏為敬 忌留戀過氣股皇

作者: 黃國英 (內容由Quamnet提供)


同事早前去聽施永青先生的管理講座。施生強調:治理眾人時,如何分配資源、權責、利潤,是公司做大做強的關鍵–一字記之曰「分」: 有利均霑、賞強罰弱,強者才甘心賣命;賞善罰惡,團隊方有紀律;責大利亦大、無不勞而獲,各人自會先公後私,眾志成城。同事嘆曰:「聽君一席話,勝讀十年書」,雖極老套,卻是感受至誠。




