Source: The Buzz(2021),

My Notebook
Source: The Buzz(2021),
ESP32 have 3 choice :
1. Chip level
2. Module level (include ESP32 Chip, include antenna, SMT PCB connection pin)
3. Development kit (include ESP32 Module, USB port, PCB solder connection pin)
斯林特制冷 Stirling refrigerator
渦流管制冷 vortex tube refrigeration
燒煤製冷(蒸氣噴射製冷)Steam jet cooling system
#define DEBUG 1 #if DEBUG == 1 #define debug(x) Serial.print(x) #define debugln(x) Serial.println(x) #else #define debug(x) #define debugln(x) #endif void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); debugln("Setup complete"); }
4874G = 517 CANS