#!/bin/bash basedir=/var/backup/store sqldir=$basedir/sql PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin; export PATH export LANG=C for dirs in $basedir do [ ! -d "$dirs" ] && mkdir -p $dirs done for dirs in $sqldir do [ ! -d "$dirs" ] && mkdir -p $dirs done param1=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S) # Database Backup sqlusername=root sqlpassword=Z2PG82SMtQzD mysqldump=/usr/bin/mysqldump bwlimit=--bwlimit=100K #bwlimit= sqldbname=dbispconfig sqlsavetarget=$sqldir/$sqldbname.sql rm -rf $sqlsavetarget.7 mv $sqlsavetarget.6 $sqlsavetarget.7 mv $sqlsavetarget.5 $sqlsavetarget.6 mv $sqlsavetarget.4 $sqlsavetarget.5 mv $sqlsavetarget.3 $sqlsavetarget.4 mv $sqlsavetarget.2 $sqlsavetarget.3 mv $sqlsavetarget.1 $sqlsavetarget.2 mv $sqlsavetarget $sqlsavetarget.1 $mysqldump -u $sqlusername -p$sqlpassword --skip-lock-tables -R $sqldbname > $sqlsavetarget /usr/bin/rsync -ah $bwlimit --delete /etc $basedir /usr/bin/rsync -ah $bwlimit --delete /usr/local/ispconfig $basedir
分類: rsync
rsync site2site.sh script sample
#!/bin/bash if pidof -x "rsync" >/dev/null; then echo "Process already running" exit 0 fi rsync -avzhe "ssh -i /root/.ssh/andrew-rsync-key" /volume1/andrew/ andrew@ --delete --exclude=#recycle --chmod=ugo+rw rsync -avzhe "ssh -i /root/.ssh/andrew-rsync-key" /volume1/peter/ andrew@ --delete --exclude=#recycle --chmod=ugo+rw rsync -avzhe "ssh -i /root/.ssh/andrew-rsync-key" /volume1/may/ andrew@ --delete --exclude=#recycle --chmod=ugo+rw
Andreas Koch(2013), Rsync over SSH with key authentication, https://andykdocs.de/development/Linux/2013-01-17+Rsync+over+SSH+with+Key+Authentication, Last: 2021-05-31
Rsync over SSH with key authentication
Using rsync and ssh to synchronize folders over the network.
created by Andreas Koch on 2013-01-17
Setup the SSH login with key authentication
Create a new ssh key pair:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f andy-rsync-key
Move the public(!) key to the remote server:
scp andy-rsync-key.pub andy@example.cloudapp.net:/home/andy/
Append the public key to the “authorized_keys” on your remote server:
ssh -l andy example.cloudapp.net
cat andy-rsync-key.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Test the connection:
ssh -l andy -i ~/.ssh/andy-rsync-key example.cloudapp.net
You should not be prompted for a password.
Setup the folder synchronization
Test the synchronization:
rsync --progress -avz -e "ssh -i /home/dev/.ssh/andy-rsync-key" /home/dev/git-master/ andy@example.cloudapp.net:/home/andy/git-master/
Create a shell script for the synchronization
vi ~/bin/sync-git-master.sh
rsync –progress -avz –delete -e “ssh -i /home/dev/.ssh/andy-rsync-key” /home/dev/git-master/ andy@example.cloudapp.net:/home/andy/git-master/
chmod 700 ~/bin/sync-git-master.sh
Schedule the script execution (every 5 minutes):
crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 * * * * /home/dev/bin/git-master-sync.sh