Use command line for upgrade nextCloud was bester than using Web Upgrade. Some reason not work with Web upgrade.
Using the command line for upgrading NextCloud is more efficient than using the web upgrade interface. There are several reasons why the command line method is preferable:
Upgrade Duration: Upgrading NextCloud can take several hours, and when using the web upgrade, it’s difficult to gauge whether the process is progressing or if it has encountered issues and halted.
Error Handling: Upgrades can sometimes result in errors that require intervention. When using the command line, it provides more detailed information about any issues encountered, making it easier to take corrective actions. In contrast, the web upgrade may not provide sufficient information to diagnose and fix problems effectively.
PHP Configuration: To upgrade NextCloud, PHP often requires the apc.enable_cli=1 configuration. This configuration may not always be set correctly when using the web upgrade, causing upgrade issues.
In summary, utilizing the command line for NextCloud upgrades offers better control, error visibility, and ensures the necessary PHP configurations are in place for a smoother upgrade process compared to the web upgrade interface.
Make the nextCloud Folder work with same User and same permission
My Web Directory: /var/www/nextcloud
My Apache user: apache2
chown -R apache2: /var/www/nextcloud
nextCloud Upgrade
sudo -u apache2 php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar sudo -u apache2 php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ upgrade sudo -u apache2 php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off
The database is missing some indexes
sudo -u apache2 php --define apc.enable_cli=1 /var/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices