Linux Find Command

ExamplesCreated by @dan_nanni on Instagram

find . -name “my.txt” find all files named “my.txt”

find .-type d-name “mydir” find all directories named “mydir”

find . -type f-name “*.jpg” find all “.jpg” files

find . -type f-size +100M find all files larger than 100MB

find . -type f-size +100M-size -500M find files with a specific size range

find . -type f-mtime-1 find all files modified in last 24 hours

find .-mtime-7-mtime +1 find files modified betn yesterday & a week ago

find . -type f-name “*.tmp” -delete find and remove all “.tmp” files

find . -type f-perm 0777 find all files with “777” permission

find . -type f-perm-u+x find all files executed by the user

find . -type f-name “*.txt” -exec cat {} \; find and cat all “*.txt” files

find . -type f-amin-60 find all files accessed within the last hour

find . -type f-user dan find all files owned by the user “dan”

find .-type f-ctime -2 find files created within last 2 days

find .-maxdepth 1 -name “my.txt” search only in current dir

find . -type f-name “*.txt” | xargs chmod 644 chmod all “.txt” to 644

find . -type f-name “*.jpg” | xargs tar -cf img.tgz archive all “.jpg” files

find . -type f-name “*.png” | xargs -I {} mv {} /tmp move all “.png” files

find . -type f-name “*.txt” | xargs grep “Hello” search for Hello in “.txt”

find .-xtypel-delete find and remove all broken symbolic links

find .-type d-empty-delete find and remove all empty directories

find .-newermt “2024-01-01”! -newermt “2024-03-15” use a time range


  1. 你不讓他佔便宜,就是你自私。
  2. 你不接受他們的價值觀,就是你固執。
  3. 你不肯接受他們的指揮,就是你強勢。
  4. 你一旦站在道理上不肯退讓了,就是你態度問題。
  5. 你差到他們的陰謀時,你太敏感了。
  6. 他們一旦發現你沒有那麼好騙,就是你們不懂事。
  7. 你一旦要勝利了,他們發現了就要輸,你就是世界第一大反派。