<input type="text" v-on:keypress=" let letterNumber = /^[0-9a-z_]+$/; let keyCode = ($event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.which); let text = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); if (! text.match(letterNumber)) { $event.preventDefault(); } ">
月份: 2022 年 8 月
VueJS: How to output a comma separated array?
source: René Roth (2018), https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42129534/vuejs-how-to-output-a-comma-separated-array
If all you care about is comma separation, use Javascript’s built-in join method:
{{ list.join(', ') }}
For arrays of objects, you could do something like this:
{{ list.map(entry => entry.title).join(', ') }}