- After Install ISPConfig , the application would not saved any API Example or Document. So, we need to find out the example scripts at the source file and copy them to /usr/local/ispconfig.
cd /tmp wget -O ispconfig.tar.gz https://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz tar xfz ispconfig.tar.gz cd ispconfig3_install/ cp -R remoting_client/ /usr/local/ispconfig/ cd /usr/local/ispconfig/remoting_client
- All API Document and example file was copied to /usr/local/ispconfig/remoting_client
- ISPConfig add Remote Users
ISPConfig Web UI > system > Remote User > Add new user
Entry username & password, And click what do you want function. In first test, please click all Functions. Please remember username & password for modify API config file .
- Modify API config file
cd /usr/local/ispconfig/remoting_client/examples/ nano soap_config.php
<?php $username = 'admin'; $password = 'admin1234'; /* $soap_location = 'http://localhost:8080/ispconfig3_3.0.5/interface/web/remote/index.php'; $soap_uri = 'http://localhost:8080/ispconfig3_3.0.5/interface/web/remote/'; */ $soap_location = ''; $soap_uri = ''; ?>
Change to
<?php $username = 'username'; $password = 'password'; /* $soap_location = 'http://localhost:8080/ispconfig3_3.0.5/interface/web/remote/index.php'; $soap_uri = 'http://localhost:8080/ispconfig3_3.0.5/interface/web/remote/'; */ $soap_location = 'https://localhost:8080/remote/index.php'; $soap_uri = 'https://localhost:8080/remote/'; ?>
- Test First API
php system_config_get.php
If every was ok, you will see the follow message.
Logged successfull. Session ID:qd0758c7265f2498285bef4e2f7ba4a3a25f8c7e3<br />Array ( [company_name] => Innonext [custom_login_text] => [custom_login_link] => [dashboard_atom_url_admin] => https://www.ispconfig.org/atom [dashboard_atom_url_reseller] => https://www.ispconfig.org/atom [dashboard_atom_url_client] => https://www.ispconfig.org/atom [tab_change_discard] => n [tab_change_warning] => n [use_loadindicator] => y [use_combobox] => y [show_support_messages] => y [maintenance_mode] => n [maintenance_mode_exclude_ips] => [admin_dashlets_left] => [admin_dashlets_right] => [reseller_dashlets_left] => [reseller_dashlets_right] => [client_dashlets_left] => [client_dashlets_right] => [customer_no_template] => C[CUSTOMER_NO] [customer_no_start] => 1 [customer_no_counter] => 5 [session_timeout] => 0 [session_allow_endless] => n [min_password_length] => 8 [min_password_strength] => 3 )
- Normally, It was Done! BUG
But some API have some BUG and not work. This is because the normally working API was disabled ‘ssl verify peer’ when using https connect. So, we need add ‘disabled ssl verify peer’ in not work API.
Test sites_web_domain_get.php, you will get a error message ‘SOAP Error: Could not connect to host‘
php sites_web_domain_get.php
SOAP Error: Could not connect to host[root@system]#
Fix method, Edit sites_web_domain_get.php
<?php require 'soap_config.php'; {add something here} $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => $soap_location, 'uri' => $soap_uri, 'trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1{add something here})); try { if($session_id = $client->login($username, $password)) { echo 'Logged successfull. Session ID:'.$session_id.'<br />'; } //* Set the function parameters. $subdomain_id = 10; $subdomain_record = $client->sites_web_subdomain_get($session_id, $subdomain_id); print_r($subdomain_record); if($client->logout($session_id)) { echo 'Logged out.<br />'; } } catch (SoapFault $e) { echo $client->__getLastResponse(); die('SOAP Error: '.$e->getMessage()); } ?>
Change to
<?php require 'soap_config.php'; $context = stream_context_create([ 'ssl' => [ // set some SSL/TLS specific options 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true ] ]); $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => $soap_location, 'uri' => $soap_uri, 'trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1, 'stream_context' => $context)); try { if($session_id = $client->login($username, $password)) { echo 'Logged successfull. Session ID:'.$session_id.'<br />'; } //* Set the function parameters. $subdomain_id = 10; $subdomain_record = $client->sites_web_subdomain_get($session_id, $subdomain_id); print_r($subdomain_record); if($client->logout($session_id)) { echo 'Logged out.<br />'; } } catch (SoapFault $e) { echo $client->__getLastResponse(); die('SOAP Error: '.$e->getMessage()); } ?>
Test sites_web_domain_get.php again
php sites_web_domain_get.php
Logged successfull. Session ID:u3712304db1b527b09cbe8582f141f0614331d551<br />Logged out.<br />[root@system]#
- Everything Done.
- You may not research other API in /usr/local/ispconfig/remoting_client/examples.
- About API Document, you may direct file download to you desktop computer.
Extract ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz in your PC.
You may find a file in extracted folder and run it, Ispconfig3_install\remoting_client\API-docs\index.html